Win FREE entry to the EW Short Story Competition AND the Exeter Novel Prize!

 Exeter Writers are delighted to be hosting another Writers Networking session at the Customs House on Friday 5th November.

Tickets are £10 for a whole day of events and we are bracketed by talks from Elizabeth Ducie, Margaret James and Cathie Hartigan

There will be two competitions running as part of the networking afternoon:

  • A 1-page flash story with a prize of free entry to the 2022 Exeter Writers Short Story Competition.
  • A '1st page of novel' with a prize of free entry to the 2022 Exeter Novel Prize (sponsored by Creative Writing Matters)


How it works: 

The competitions are only open to attendees of the Networking Day and entry to both is included with the ticket. (Details will also be sent to ticketholders by the ExeLitFest ticket office).

The entries will be displayed at the networking event and all attendees get to vote.

When you arrive you'll be given 3 stickers for each competition, and you simply affix your stickers to your favourite entries. The pages with the most stickers win.

(Yes, we realise that you could all just vote for your own entry, but that would simply give everyone 3 votes. We hope that the spirit of fairness will overcome this, and that's why we're giving you 3 stickers - that way you can vote for yourself and other people).

There will be 1 winner for each competition. These will be announced at the end of the event and the winners will be invited to read out their story. (Or they can ask someone else to if they prefer).

The important bit! 

All entries must fit on 1 page of A4, using 1.5 spacing and a 12pt font.

Please do not include your name on the page so that judging on the day is anonymous.

Send your entries to by 31st October, with the following subject header(s): 

LitFest 1st Page Comp [Title]


LitFest Flash Comp [Title]


gillywilly said…
Do people really vote for their own work?! I just can't see the point in that!