Cover reveal for The Girl in Red Velvet
The latest novel by Margaret James; The Girl in Red Velvet is out on 25th April. Here's a peek at the gorgeous cover, and you can read more about it here.
Margaret is published by Choc Lit, and recently co-hosted an event at Exeter Library along with some of her fellow choc lit authors, Victoria Cornwall, Linda Mitchelmore and Laura E James (pictured below) talking about their journeys to publication whilst editor Lusana Taylor gave local writers the opportunity to pitch their novels.
Margaret is published by Choc Lit, and recently co-hosted an event at Exeter Library along with some of her fellow choc lit authors, Victoria Cornwall, Linda Mitchelmore and Laura E James (pictured below) talking about their journeys to publication whilst editor Lusana Taylor gave local writers the opportunity to pitch their novels.
Left to right; Margaret James, Victoria Cornwall, Linda Mitchelmore and Laura E James |